incense_stick.jpgTo a stoner incense is like dark limousine tint, you know someone’s inside driving the car, you just can’t quite see them. According to stoners, the theory is that incense masks the aroma of burning weed. So whenever you walk into a room with a bunch of stoners getting hi, you’ll often smell incense. And, when there’s incense burning in the corner it gives the stoner a (false) sense of security, because they think no one will notice that oh so familiar aroma of a bruning dead skunk.

In fact incense is a great indicator of weed-smoking activity. Where there’s (incense) smoke…there’s fire…and that fire is usually found at the end of a joint. Light up a joint, light up some incense and well, now mom’s basement reeks of weed and sandalwood. Dead give-away guys.

In fact the whole incense industry is fully supported and wholly kept alive by one demographic; stoners. C’mon, who else uses this stuff, but stoners? Think about it for a second. You could walk into a myriad of stinky places and not smell Nag Champa in any one of ‘em! Consider the Laker’s locker room. Ya think it smells like a Buddhist shrine? No dude, it smells like sweaty gym socks and ass. What about Bessie’s Slaughter House? Ya think they’ll use Jasmine to cover of the smell of future cheeseburgers in there? Of course not. You see what I’m saying, incense is specifically created for the sole purpose of giving stoners an alibi.