Okay, think about this shit for a second. I mean, really, do I even have to explain?

Let’s say you’re a major stoner in the middle of a joint and a vintage episode of Mama’s Family, you know the one where Bubba’s hot blonde girlfriend gets all offended because he decides to take Iola’s fat neice to the prom instead of her? Ya, that one. And, well, you get the munchies. But, you ain’t got shit to eat. Que lastima!

But wait…all of a sudden you hear some crackly-ass version of Pop Goes the Weasel far off in the distance. And it just occurs to you that you aren’t hallucinating, but some motherfucker’s got an ice cream truck and impeccable timing. Bingo, Choco Tacos and Bomb Pops galore! Delivered to your house! Delicous…

I mean to the stoned, this is like a freakin’ dream come true, right? All they’ve got to do is put on some pants and flag the dude down. That’s what’s right on about America, ya know, someone just driving ice cream on over to your place anticipating your need for sweets. That’s like serendipity or something, right?

Now, if this guy, this ice cream man…would only expand his menu to include things like papers, weed, and lighters…he might be really on to something.