No matter your age, race, color, or creed…this blog is dedicated to those who like weed!

Oh, yeah, this site is a purely amateurish comprehensive analysis of stuff stoners like, by the way.

7 Responses to “About”

  1. chunque Says:

    Dude, we are so on the same page. But this is about the opposite of a stoner, an uptight d-bag:

  2. Stoner Says:

    Hey, I found this wicked comedy about stoners trying to raise some cash to buy a nuclear bunker. It’s hilarious. Check the trailer here.

  3. Hey! I just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog — I can relate to that entire list. Anyway, I was wondering if it would be okay to post your blog onto my blogroll on WordPress. I think a lot of my friends would enjoy reading it while they boke a smowl 😉 Also, check out my page too — and if you’re up to it, it would be awesome to be featured on your blogroll. Also, check out some of my older posts, one entitled “Feds Wasting Taxpayer Money…Again.” I think you’ll like it. Thanks! Stay bloggin.

  4. Aaron Says:

    Very cool blog! I got a good laugh from the list of things that stoners like because many of them I thought I was alone on but now find out that us stoners have more in common than chronic.



  5. robont Says:

    Very cool idea.. thanks for the add on twitter amigo, will be checking out this blog as well 🙂

  6. Resipsa Says:

    Only 25 things stoners like? I think Japanese Anime should be on the list.

    Japanese Anime:

    First of all, the color is often so saturated it bumps up the visuals from OMG to holy freakin’ Christo.

    The plots always involve women with large breasts and they are often beating the bejeezas out of everyone with everything from swords to magic spells.

    Also, a lot of it makes no sense even if you’re not stoned, which just adds to the fun.

    And for some reason, though it’s produced in Japan, everyone in them looks like something out of an American comic book.

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