May 2009

white-widowBoy, a lot  has been happening in Oregon on the Marijuana Movement front this month. First, Eugene, Oregon Mayor Kitty Piercy proclaimed the Week of April 30th, 2009 to May 6th, 2009 as Medical Marijuana Awareness Week in the city of Eugene, and encourage all citizens to join in on the important observance.

Not to be outdone however, Portland Mayor Sam Adams went even further and proclaimed  the entire month of May to be Medical Marijuana Awareness Month! Awesome!

Congratulations to the Pacific Northwest for putting it down!


schwarzenegger_smoking_joint1California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, said during a news conference today that “it’s time for debate” on the issue of legalizing marijuana. Even though he doesn’t support the idea of legalization yet, it’s a first step. The governor was asked about a recent Field Poll showing that 56 percent of registered voters support legalizing and taxing marijuana to increase California’s revenue.

Remember  pot-friendly State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a San Francisco Democrat who introduced a bill that would legalize cannabis for recreational use, rather than just medical purposes? Well, he says taxing marijuana could bring in well over a $1 billion to the state of CA. Well, Schwarzenegger warned against making harmful decisions just for the sake of raising money. He said some other nations have had negative experiences.

“I think all of those ideas of creating extra revenues, I’m always for an open debate on it. And I think we ought to study very carefully what other countries are doing that have legalized marijuana and other drugs, what effect did it have on those countries,” Schwarzenegger said.

In case you don’t know, Schwarzenegger is an ex-smoker who has  a casual attitude toward marijuana. He was filmed smoking a j in  Pumping Iron and told the Brit version of GQ in 2007, “That is not a drug. It’s a leaf.” Right now he seems to be an impressive smokesperson spokesperson for the legalization movement.


Today, all over the world people are marching in the name of marijuana! No, no, no…we’re not talking about the march to the refrigerator that stoners take daily at 4:21. We’re talking about a far-reaching annual event where passionate  stoners across the globe unite under the common cause of bringing attention to marijuana’s health properties and the legal issues keeping it out of the hands of those who need, depend on, and adore it.

Yes, today marks the day that marijuana supporters get up off the couch and march in order to free the weed!  In case you don’t know…the Global Marijuana March, happening today, is an annual tradition where stoners from all walks of life demonstrate their overwhelming love of weed and celebrate en mass the Stuff Stoners Like! So, yeah, of course, we’re really big fans of this special event.

Currently, supporters are gathering all across the world without you, because you’re reading this post. Don’t worry, there’s still time. So, if you’d like to get involved and see a list of areas where the March is taking place, click here.

We here at Stuff Stoners Like encourage you all to step outside today and get involved, or at least spread the word…you’ll be helping a great cause. We can only hope that with this demonstration today and with your involvement, people who are suffering, those who depend on medication to function normally, those who are law-abiding recreational users, will ahieve the goal of legalization globally. Today is OUR day!

080225-school-pot-hmed1phmediumOakland, California could be the first city in the nation to tax medical marijuana. Oakland’s city council has just approved a provision to apply a 1.8% tax to all cannabis sold at marijuana dispensaries. It’s alleged that taxing the weed will create a revenue stream for Oakland anywhere between $400K and $1m.

Dispensary owners in Oakland’s Oaksterdam district, who came up with the tax idea themselves, couldn’t be more stoked. “We wanted to further legitimize the medical-marijuana paradigm to show that we are truly willing to assist Oakland, and to show other cities that there are social benefits to this,” said one.

080225-school-pot-hmed1phmediumOakland, California could be the first city in the nation to tax medical marijuana. Oakland’s city council has just approved a provision to apply a 1.8% tax to all cannabis sold at marijuana dispensaries. It’s alleged that taxing the weed will create a revenue stream for Oakland anywhere between $400K and $1m.

Dispensary owners in Oakland’s Oaksterdam district, who came up with the tax idea themselves, couldn’t be more stoked. “We wanted to further legitimize the medical-marijuana paradigm to show that we are truly willing to assist Oakland, and to show other cities that there are social benefits to this,” said one.

roadRoad trips are pretty cool. But, road trips while stoned are legendary. Being out on the open road, the wind in your hair, ashing a bowl right out the window, smoking a joint while driving and eating a cheeseburger… incorporates just about everything stoners hold dear; loud music, snacks, and being stoned.

Sober, road trips can be a real drag, man. I mean, you’ve seen all those ancient-80’s European Vacation movies, right? You know why those Griswolds wallyworldhad such a miserable fucking time? Sure that Bullshit Bullwinkle amusement park was closed and Gramma croaked and all. That bunk shit would kind of bum anyone out a li’l bit…but the real reason…the true reason those Griswold motherfuckers had such a terrible fucking time was because they were not stoned! Well, except for the daughter. She picked up some schwag from her cousin or something along the way. And, you know what…that was the fucking highlight of her trip.

Think about it, to a stoner a road trip is  really pretty similar to  a munchy run. It’s like one really long-ass drawn-out munchy run that never ends…

749px-i-420_svgAnd, the wonderful advantages that puffing a joint brings to the perception of everyday life does wonders for road trips. It actually ensures that all road trips are epic. It’s a mandate. No…Marijuana is like insurance. It’s like built-in automatic fun insurance. You smoke a bowl and all of a sudden traffic  becomes tolerable…shit it becomes the perfect opportunity to brush up on phonetics as you try and decipher all those obnoxious vanity plates. All of a sudden a flat tire becomes an advernturous adventure and that hit-and-run becomes the story you always tell at every party and always seems to start off with the phrase “This one time,  I was soooo  stoned…”.

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