Of course stoners like the Black Crowes, well, because who doesn’t love watching or reading about two rock star brothers killing one another? But, that’s not the point….

We’ve discussed 10 things that stoners like…now let’s talk about something they don’t. That something is when an indignant customer service representative refuses to address a stoner’s concerns. Especially when that concern stands in the way of getting stoned at a Black Crowes concert. And, getting Chris Robinson to be our best friend and share his weed and beer and women with us. Then drive us back to his place where we could hang out with him and his brother and his kids and eventually end up  in his home studio where he’d shower us with compliments and good food and free guitars and stickers and then write a kick-ass new album dedicated to us all about how cool we are. And, then let us sleep in his bed that night right next to him and make us waffles in the morning…but, sadly that never happened…(sigh).

This is an actual email reply from customer service:

Discussion Thread
Response (Priscilla) 06/19/2008 05:52 AM

Calling people names and wishing immediate death upon our personnel is not the way to get people to help you.
Your e-mail is very offensive and your concerns will not be addressed.

Ticketing Customer Service Department
Musictoday, LLC
The Artist/Fan Connection

Customer (say ten voneryk) 06/18/2008 05:16 PM
I called yesterday right after your web site crashed as I was trying to
purchase 2 tickets to the black crowes on 12/19. It was 2:03…some asshole
that works there said that the sale was postponed until today at 2pm. Well
guess what..that asshole was wrong! now i have no fucking tickets and have
jumped through so many god damn hoops for nothing!

fuck you!

and fuck your company!!

I hope whoever reads this DIES IMMEDIATELY!


Stumble It!